
Pastors | Consistory | Staff

Kasey Horvath

Lead Pastor

Rev. Kasey Horvath serves as the Lead Pastor of All Saints Church. As Lead Pastor, he is the primary preacher and point person for pastoral care. He also shepherds our staff and consistory. Kasey and his wife, Katie, have four children and love spending time at the beach. He hails from New Jersey and is a former colligate athlete, having played ice hockey at Liberty University.

Kasey has previously served as a pastor and church planter. He was licensed as a Minister of the Gospel in the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference, and was trained as a counselor by the American Association of Christian Counselors. Kasey studied for pastoral ministry at Heidelberg Theological Seminary and Liberty University. He was ordained as the Lead Pastor of All Saints Church on June 25, 2023. Kasey currently serves as a board member of DomNet, the church planting network of the C.R.E.C.

Brandon Gilanyi

Associate Pastor

Brandon Gilanyi is the associate pastor, primarily overseeing all of the Christian Education and Sunday School, as well as executive tasks.  Brandon's wife is Kay, and they have five kids.  Brandon loves to follow Mets baseball and watch paint dry.

Brandon is a graduate of Philadelphia Biblical University/Cairn and Reformed Theological Seminary.  He is also the Dean of Students at Firm Foundations Academy.


Herb Suereth

Director of Music, Elder (2022)

Graham Dennis

Elder (2012)
Herb Suereth is the associate pastor of All Saints Church, where he usually leads the weekly liturgy and oversees music.  Herb is married to Michelle, and they have three children.  Herb enjoys pretending to be a rock star in his spare time, as well as following Baltimore/DC sports.

Before serving at All Saints, Herb served as a Minister of Music and earned a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Studies degree from Lancaster Bible College/Capital Seminary and BA in music from Millersville University.
Graham is the Dean of Students at Veritas Academy.  In addition to teaching, Graham is a talented photographer and handy man.  He studied philosophy at both the University of South Carolina (B.A) and Boston College (M.A.). He and his wife, Stephanie, are the proud parents of five children.

Kevin Kanoff

Elder (2018)
Kevin oversees the Facilities Department at the Hershey Medical Center, where he uses his engineering degree (BS, University of Idaho), specializing in the building energy field.  He enjoys researching biblical chronology.  Kevin is husband to one, Megg, dad to four, and grandpa to four.

Don Graves

Deacon (2019)
Don is farmer, fixer, and contractor, specializing in pig barn repairs.  Don and his wife, Jenny, enjoy hosting fellowship meals at their home, and he makes a delicious chicken barbeque.  Don and Jenny have eight kids.

Joseph Hibshman

Ivan Huyard

Deacon (2021)
Deacon (2021)
Joseph is a contractor and handy man.  In his free time, he enjoys all kinds of hunting and fishing .  Don is married to Joseph's sister!  Joseph is married to Janetta, and they have four children.
Ivan is a wood worker and business owner - he owns a CNC machine and makes lots of intricate pieces of wood that will someday become furniture. Ivan and Dave are brother-in-laws because their wives are sisters! Ivan's wife is Emily and they have five kids.

Paul Knepley

Deacon (2009)
Paul is a veterinarian and has literally missed consistory meetings due to monkey surgeries.  He loves nature and and worshipping God by enjoying His creation. He and his wife, Rebecca, have five kids, most of whom are also in the medical field.

Dave Miller

Deacon (2017)
Dave is a business owner and entrepreneur.  He is Ivan's brother-in-law.  Dave is passionate about hospitality and will be the first one to welcome visitors  - both to church and to his home.  He and his wife, Anne, have seven children.

Church Staff

Rebecca Knepley

Accompanist, Lead Musician
Rebecca is our chief worshipper and service accompanist.  You’ll see her scurry between both piano and organ on Sunday mornings.  She also works with Pastor Herb to select the Sunday morning music.   Rebecca is married to Paul and has five kids.

Debi Long

Choir Director
Debi serves as our choir director, bringing richness through thoughtfully selected pieces to highlight scripture and church calendar highlights.  She also directs the children’s choirs and has a passion to help all the kids and adults learn to read music and sing tunefully.  Debi and her husband, Jim, have three children and seven grandchildren.

Michelle Suereth

Administrative Assistant
Michelle handles the church communications and secretarial tasks.  She loves to know what is going on, who is involved, and make sure everyone knows they are invited.  Michelle is married to Herb and has three children.