This collection of features 400+ hymns and psalms from the Cantus Christi and our supplemental hymnal, Saintly Praises. Music is sorted alphabetically, with all Psalms being listed first by their Psalm number, then their common title. Scroll through the hymns, or use the search bar. PDFs are available on each hymn by clicking "notes."
Psalm 31 Blest Are They Whose Sins the Lord, 061 Cantus Christi
Hail Thou Once Despised Jesus, 485 Cantus Christi
Psalm 91 Call Jehovah Your Salvation, 167 Cantus Christi
Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days, 610 Cantus Christi
God and Man at Table, 507 Cantus Christi
073 Psalm 37 Don't Be Distressed by Evil Men
Tallis Canon - ASC Choir
Jan 26, 2025
Rejoice, All Ye Believers, 552 Cantus Christi
Surely It Is God Who Saves
The Lord at First Did Adam Make, 562 Cantus Christi
O Savior, Rend the Heavens, 557 Cantus Christi
Blest Be the God of Israel, 421 Cantus Christi 2020
Bread of Life, 168 Saintly Praises
A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth, 621 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi
Psalm 1 Blest Now the Man Who Does Not Walk, 002 Cantus Christi
A Mighty Fortress (Bach), 408 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi
A Mighty Fortress (Schutz, rhythmic), 407 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi
Abide with Me— Fast Falls the Eventide, 697 Cantus Christi
Saintly Praises
Agnus Dei Tallis, 728 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi
Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended, 623 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi
Ah, Jesus Lord, Thy Love to Me, 513 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi
All Creatures of Our God and King, 344 Cantus Christi
Cantus Christi
All Glory Be to Christ, 112 Saintly Praises
Saintly Praises
All Glory Be to God Alone, Supplemental Hymns
Cantus Christi
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