Join us for Sunday School

Every Sunday
9:00 am

We have classes for all ages, from baby to adult, from September through May.  Our kids alternate each week between Sunday School class and Children's Choir rehearsal.  Nursery care is provided.  

Join us on Sundays at 9:00 am!

Adult Classes - Winter/Spring Semester

Evangelism - Pastor Brandon Gilanyi

This class will run bi-weekly in the chapel at 9:00 am, beginning January 12.

“Go into all the world...” The aim of this class is to help bring clarity and
encouragement in our call to evangelize. During this brief study, we will define
evangelism as taught in the Scriptures and provide some practical
encouragement in one’s own evangelistic opportunities. Additionally, this course will evaluate the relationship between God’s sovereignty and human
responsibility, specifically as it pertains to evangelism. Finally, we will have the
opportunity to hear from missionaries, both local and international, as they share about their own ministries and evangelistic efforts.

Primary Reference: Packer, J.I. Evangelism & The Sovereignty of God. Intervarsity Press, 2012.

Job : Suffering , Wisdom - Elder Graham Dennis

Graham will guide us through the book of Job, focusing on the theme of suffering wrapped into three significant elements.  Namely, Job as mystery, Job as poetry-wisdom literature, and Job as typological.  Graham will provide big picture oversights into a book that is very dense and multi-faceted for the purpose of showing that suffering cannot be removed from these three elements.

Primary Reference:  Job: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching - J. Gerald Janzen

Covenant Renewal Worship - Gene Cockerham (ministerial student)

This class will be held on April 6, 20, and then weekly May 4 - June 1 at 9:00 am in the chapel.

The Creeds - Elder Graham Dennis

This class will be held on March 16, March 30, and April 13 at 9:00 am in the chapel.

Students - Grades Pre-K thru Grade 6

For this year, we have provided our teachers with a wonderful and robust curriculum.  The PreK-K curriculum follows a two-year sequence that covers the Creation account, the coming of the Savior, and the life, death, and resurrection of Christ for salvation.  Grades 1-3 will begin their studies in the Old Testament and will follow a three-year sequence that covers the entire Old Testament with a particular focus on redemptive history and the work of Christ.  Grades 4-6 will be starting with the Gospels and following a 3 year sequence that will cover the entire New Testament, meditating on the completed work of Christ.

This curriculum and sequence is designed to allow a child who enters PreK to receive a full coverage of the Old and New Testaments with a particular emphasis on the story of redemption and the work of Christ through their 6th grade year.
PreK-KDG, room 205
  • Teachers: April Spinetti, Sonya Long
  • Curriculum: “Jesus Loves Me” from Great Commission Publications
  • Topics: God Created All Things, Jesus is God’s Son, Jesus is the Savior

Grades 1-3, room 206
  • Teachers: Sharon Strawbridge
  • Curriculum: “The Biggest Story” from Crossway, using the “The Biggest Story” Bible by Kevin DeYoung
  • Topic: Pentateuch

Grades 4-6, room 202
  • Teachers: Kay Gilanyi
  • Curriculum: “The Biggest Story” from Crossway, using the “The Biggest Story” Bible by Kevin DeYoung
  • Topic: The Gospels

Children's Choirs - Pre-K through Grade 8

On alternating weeks, students will participate in children's choirs.  The choirs are divided by age: Little Saints (Prek-KDG), Praise Makers (grades 1-3), Singing Warriors (grades 4-8).  Please note, teens in grades 7-8 are invited to partipate in the Singing Warriors choir on alternating weeks when they rehearse.

Teens - Grades 7-12

The teen Sunday School class will spend its entire year studying the Gospel of John.  The focus of this year will be to learn how to study a book of the Bible, including proper hermeneutics, and also draw out principles for application.  The Gospel of John also allows for a particular focus on the person and work of Jesus Christ.

We also have made some adjustments to the classroom to remove distractions and promote strong learning and discussion.

Teachers:  Elder Herb Suereth, Pastor Brandon Gilanyi
Room 101
Curriculum: “So What?” from Great Commission Publications
Topics: The Gospel of John

Sunday School ministry


The All Saints Sunday School Ministry exists for the purpose of equipping the saints and the building up of the body so that they may be maturing in the faith.


The All Saints Sunday School Ministry will provide Gospel-centered teaching to enhance biblical understanding and also provide practical resources to aid in worship, spiritual development, and being a witness in the community.